Assuming that OpenVPN has already been set up on a server, we only need to edit the server.conf and install the telnet package. However, if we want to solve this more elegant, we install the package expect and write a script.
2. Install the packages
sudo apt-get install telnet expect
3. Activate the OpenVPN management service port
Edit /etc/openvpn/server.conf and add follwing lines:
management localhost 7505
If you don’t find it set yet, send the client a ping every 10 seconds and assume that it will be disconnected after two minutes.
keepalive 10 120
4. Write your script
spawn telnet localhost 7505
set timeout 10
expect "OpenVPN Management Interface"
send "status 3\r"
expect END
send "exit\r"
5. Further usage
Of course you can set up a monitoring, which would look like this:
white true; do ./ | grep -e ^CLIENT_LIST; sleep 1; done
On the other hand, you might get the idea that you could use the public IPv6 of a certain client in a whitelist or something, who knows. This could then be done with a follow-script:
{ echo "allow " ; (/here/are/scripts/ | grep 'thewellknownclient*' | grep 'CLIENT_LIST' | awk '{print $3}') ; echo ";" ; } | (tr -d '\n' && echo "") > /reverse/proxy/white.list
If you had the idea to keep the whitelist up to date, because it is a dynamically allocated client, a cronjob would be suitable to keep the file fresh. So run:
sudo crontab -e
and add the following line if a daily run at 23:30 makes sense for you
30 23 * * * root /here/are/scripts/
6. Adjust your file permissions and restart services
sudo chmod 700 /here/are/scripts/ sudo chmod 700 /here/are/scripts/ sudo systemctl restart openvpn.service sudo systemctl restart cron.service